To enable information move fluidly through your operations, all software systems need to be aligned.

That’s where Information Architecture (IA) comes in. IA is the design, architecture and information science about common information management systems. It sits above software vendors, types of data sources and technologies. Semmtech helps you to determine the Information Architecture you need for your operations.

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Our approach is to standardize both the architecture and the architecting. Our goal is to train your staff in the framework we use, so your team becomes independent to manage solutions and IT themselves.

We offer consultancy and training on how to create information architectures based on semantic modeling, graph theory and web technologies so it brings you interoperability. Or in other words the ability to share information and knowledge freely between partners through business processes they support, by means of the exchange of data between their IT systems. We offer results of Information Architecting (IA), called blueprints, schemas or models, as licensed products.

Expertise & Capabilities

Semantic Modeling

How we give meaning to data in a way that is interpretable for both people and computers?

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Model-Driven Development

How to combine the benefits of semantic web technology with software development?

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How we retrieve information from different sources to ease the decision making process?

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Olivier Stulp Semmtech COO

Olivier Stulp

Chief Operations Officer